With that, i finally know how it feels like to be in the real working atmosphere where you get scolded by the boss if you messed up. I know how it feels like to be in the office where you have to handle a lot of clients, paper works and so on. I've been facing a lot of very rude speakers on the phone with the other so called 'professional' people. They may be the "manager", the "boss", 5 stars hotel who declares them self to have such "friendly" or "professional" staffs. But these groups of people are the meanest of all. Pffttttt... Screw all that. Screw all you arrogant little maggots. You guys are nothing but a fucking maggot. They dont even know how to talk nicely on the phone and yet they call them self the professional people? You people can kiss my ass. LoL. Dont get me wrong. I do love my job. But facing with these type of people is spoiling all the fun. zzz. I tried to be nice but all i get is those bitch attitudes.
Ever since i've start working, im starting to feel a little grown up now. ok may be MORE. I get to feel that burden. Both of my parents are no longer working anymore. So as our responsibility, we had to work hard in order to support our family. i think i am officially getting the REAL adult feelings now. Soooo this is how the real adult feels like. Having that stress to support your family and then trying to convince your boss so that you can get higher salary, to take care of everything, and you can no longer buy anything you want because you would have to depends on your own salary now. And you would have to be very careful in spending your money. Sigh.. now that we have no more PTPTN, we're nothing but a hobo now. sigh. Despite those burden, daddy finally allows me to go out at night. muahahahaha... But still.. Growing up is like a nightmare..
Why do i have to face a boss that is fierce than the lion? Why do i have to face all the horrible people in my job? Why do i have to struggle to get higher pay while others get them easily? Why do i have to face all these hardships? Because God has his plan for us. All these will soon end. God promised it's going to be a very good ending once we passed these tests. Everything happens for a good reason. We believe in you God. We believe that Jesus is with us every time, anywhere we go.