haiz..sunday sunday~ another boring sunday~
i usually go out on sunday and strolled around Gaya street..
yup, Gaya street is one of my favorite places.ngee.:P
if you're wondering why, im telling u diz, its cause im recommending to all teenegers! that its the
best place to ease your suffering minds~
i mean, really..XD or maybe its just me..lols
but since my house is under renovation~my dad forbids me to.
damn. its not like im the boss who should watch over those workers.lols
argh~!! please note that I HATE PROGRAMMING!!
i cant believe im taking that for my STPM.. =.="
sorry, im getting a lil bit random here.
i have nothing interesting to share.
i cant work my brain @_@
all i could think of is dying if u come to think of it, u'll realise that,
it is better to die than to live..
*bangs head on the wall*
gosh..im being emo..
LOLS~~ gotcha~ngee..:p
neway, i cant believe that chelle(rumiko) and i are actually
bad mouthing bout our teachers..LOLS~
omgsshh...can't the sun gets any hotter?
im seriously dying here..
its freaking HOT HOT HOT~!!!
wow..im being random A LOT ..lols..

AHAHAHA~~ yea, what's that picture for?
jus being RANDOM again~~
my fave mall..heee..:D
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