Went out with my muhauz (without bayau and ct.hmph.) last saturday..unfortunately, miaw and i came a lil TOO late. Sorry for being late honey♥ ....): And the crazy one, nad~!! lols..miss her soooooo much..Thanx for the bracelet naaddd...i wuv it..XD

Also, FINALLY. Went out with the gays.wakakak..like only once in a blue moon.Kerbz joined us and made him look like a sugar daddy.lols! only, a lil younger sugar daddy.XD apparently, someone doesn't seem to care although i've invited him already. u know who u are. ~.~ like always, bonet is such a pain in d ass in a cute way though.:D oh!oh!oh! belle has a new hair cut! somehow, it made her looks like more to BELLA rather than BELLE now. XD

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