Friday, December 3, 2010

Another day with my oatmeal ♥

I've just noticed that im always here these recently am i ? haha. yea. I'll post every lil thing in my blog cause i need to remember every precious moment with my friends. am i sweet or what? muahah.coughs.

So this morning went out for breakfast with Oat and my bf at city mall. :D At first, we went to the food court but only three shops were open.THREE!!stupid food court.:D Probably ran out of business. so we went to Old Town restaurant instead. One thing i like about oat is that she has a lot of random stories that will simply make u "LOL". So we LOL-ed a lot today. Went back around 12 plus cause i had curfew today. *sigh* And dad was like
"u better be back before 1pm. I MEAN IT"
Judging by his fierce face, its like he's going to eat me alive if i refuse to listen.*gulps*
But then again, i ALWAYS have curfew.*sigh*

Ah..damn you flabby arms!
p/s: Darlin, Wo hen ai ni!

Look at her glowing skin!!:D

Lols..She's always with her wacky pose.


  1. ba we went out that day..:P plus, baru now i feel like blogging.Lolss..XD but i will always love u dun worry.wakakka..:D

  2. OMG butot!!! why paha hen big..LOLs....u thiss...

  3. yea ke? bah/.. uik, drop some comment for me too =D

  4. oat: lols! doi! wer got big! u wore black lg nmpk smalll!:D

    celle:ba.makin lama makin active blog diz.abondoned fb.LOLS
