This year is probably the most pathetic Christmas for me. I hate the fact that we still have to sit for our finals on 4th of Jan. I dont really have the excitement in me. New year celebration? ugh. more like exam preparation for me.Now how the hell did i end up here again..? 7 more days to welcome 2012. I need a new resolutions! Well.... *coughs*..... it seems like my so called resolutions for last year didnt seem to work. let me see..
No night class - Passed

Doing revision before and after lecture - Didnt last for long so, failed.

Einstein's brain - Failed

Dye my hair to dark violet - Failed

Long hair like Rapunzel - What do you think? Failed!!

More freedom - Dont even bother to ask about freedom. Failed!!!

Happy life - I guess so. no comment. LoL
There you go. Only one passed. Okaay. will list down my new resolution on the next next post. heee.. I have 1 more week to study.. and i havent start a single revision yet.. omg.. Dear study mood, could you come back here for a week? pretty please.. i need you so badly. sighh.. I was supposed to start yesterday.. but i know, being me, i had to be a procrastinator. Instead of doing the right thing, I was playing Cabal. you know, the online game. surprised? dont have to. cause there a lot of other girls playing that game too. Also ask Whity to join. awwww... i really missed the old days in the game..

You can have my hair. It's getting ridiculously long! mo sampai ass sa sdh. I wanna cut it tp not in KL. tunggu balik kk...plus it's cheaper there. Sini, byr rm30 just for a trim...ndak mau lah.. Merry belated christmas mad!!!
ReplyDeleteP.s: now you know how i feel when i have to study during hari raya... 2 years in a row ndak sa dpt celebrate..and this raya sucks more coz sa satu urg ja. my siblings ndak balik. boooOOooO!