Oh me gosh. I have 2 more days before school reopen.. and so far, what did i do during this whole week? NOTHING. assignments + revision = 0% progress. I seriously dont know whats got into me. aaaaaaa!!! HELP ME!!!!! why do i always have to end up like this? shit shit shit shit shit shit shit. SHIT. DX
Anyway, yesterday was my bf's birthday. And i bought him nothing. i am such a big loser. it's suppose to be your birthday, but you still bought me the nail polish. You said ' i dont need any birthday present.. all i want for my birthday present is you to be happy'.. awwww.. that's the sweetest thing you've ever said to me. But that's too good to be true. i mean, it's not that im not buying your sweet words, but still, i need to give you something that is worth for you. I promise will buy it for you right after i get my refund from UMShit.. dear kee2. thank you for listening to my lame shit. lol
ok.... I will start doing my revision today. although............ we'll be having small party for my bro's belated birthday celebration tonight. so i guess its not going to happen again. doom. and right this moment i was about to end my post now when i've just received a text from fel, saying 'have you done dr.janie's quiz' ? and that fucking reminds me i fucking completely forgot about it. can my day gets any worse? ZZZZZZ
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