Director of Trip to Museum. How does that sound? Lame enough? It all started in a class...
lecturer : Who has not been to the museum Sabah yet? raise up your hands.
people were like :

So being one of the people who didn't raise up their hands. My lecturer suddenly appointed me to organise a trip to the museum. Of all people.. why me?????!!!!! and then i was like

okay, okay fine. there's nothing i can do about it. since our Head of Program said so, i have no power to object. At first, i was positive that it was going to be a piece of cake. But who said a piece of a cake was damn easy? im going to punch that person who invent that phrase. Since it was my freaking first time to organise something, the preparation was quite messed up. REALLY DAMN MESSED UP. i never thought providing transport can be such a real pain in my assholes. Some more, the guy who is in charge to give orders to the bus driver is really pissing me off. no wonder the system is really damn horrible.
First shit moment:
I had to call for like only God knows how many times until he picked up his goddamn phone! geez, seriously old man, u need to clean your earwax. If u cant work, go sleep at home okay! and because of you, i have wasted my credit so much!
second shit moment:
I had no freaking idea that Mr. Doutis was going to give us a talk. And i didnt even prepare any souvenir. and then again, i was like.

omgsh. the whole trip was a mess. But then again, i've learned my lesson. i would assume this as an experience. Thank you Miss Roseni for giving me this bad experience. If it wasnt for you, i would never get the chance to know how hard it is to organise a so called simple event. Also, thank you kee2 for OVERhelping me in this event. lol
Between those horrible day, i am proudly to say that i have done a good deed. heheh. so i was sitting down on a bench while waiting for the rest of my course mates to come. A fine looking guy suddenly approached me and greeted me. By hearing his English, i am 100% positive that he's from Philippines. The conversation went like this:
The cute guy:
Hello, good
hello, morning.The cute guy:
im sorry for bothering, but can u exchange me your Malaysian money? i only brought RM 7. i need to get into the museumstupid me:
oh.. but i don't have my wallet with me. how much does it cost for a tourist? ( at this moment, i realised that i was the most stupid TOURISM student on earth for asking that)
the cute guy:
I think it cost RM15 for non-Malaysianstupid me:
okay, hold on. *ran to the car and took rm10*. here u go.The cute guy:
oh thank you, thank you. here's my 3 US dollar.Stupid Foolish me:
oh, it's okay, just keep it. (O_O) (WTF am i thinking. i should have just take it. and i myself dont even have enough money that time.)
The cute guy:
Oh really?! are you sure? oh thank you! i need to take your picture and post this in my blog.Stupid Foolish me: oh sure..The cute guy:
whats your name?Stupid Foolish me:
MadonaThe cute Guy:
Oh thank you again Madona, Im Dan. Uhm, do you know how to get to the Jesselton point?Stupid Foolish Dumbass me:
uhmm.. there should be a taxi around here.. *looks around but no taxi around*The cute Guy:
ohh.. i see, well its okay, thank you so much again. nice to know you.sigh... how embarrassing.. and you call yourself a tourism student Madona James?.__.
oh well.. at least i've helped him right. :D