okay. so i've watched avengers. i just have two words to say. FUCKING AWESOME!! i swear, this is probably the most awesome movie i've watched so far.. and now i realise how sissy twilight is. i mean, compared to avengers.. dude. it is waaaaayyyy fucking awesome i say. no offense twilight fans, i still love jacob no matter what. <3 heheh. Those combination of super hero is so freaking cool! omg. i wanna re watch!!! DX only RM7, worth every pennies!
So.. what year we are in again? oh yeah right. 2012. and why do i have this feelings that, 2013 is just around the corner? Time and me. we've got really big issues here. i can never stop complaining about time. for example, how can it be so fast? there's no really an answer to this. it will forever remain as an issue to me. sigh. what the hell man. once more, our final is just 1 week away. and after that, we'll have our holidays for 3 weeks. and then for the first time, will start our industrial training on 9 July.. yes, this is really new to me. its not that i've never worked before. its just that,i've never worked in office where you have to work like the real adults. omg. i really think this is not a good idea. cause being me, i know novelty has never been easy for me. i will end up crying first, and then i'll get used to it. that's how it works. lol.
and finally i can proudly say that i am free from all those shitty assignments. especially the biggest frustrating assignments, our Cultural in tourism subject, 'The Glimpse of Arabia' event. everything happened for a reason. as much as we dislike our lecturer or whatsoever, in the end, it was for our own good. Thank you Miss. We never hate you actually. As a student, we just hate to face challenges and obstacles. we've been bad mouthing you so much. although u will never going to read this, but i would like to say sorry from the bottom of my heart as well for all our childish act. :D Thank you for giving me a chance to be in charge of handling some work. although the work sounds cheesy, but it's actually need some effort. really. i never thought that providing a transport could be hell of tiring. geez.. once again, thank you to kee2 for helping me everything trough out all this. it means a lot to me. without u, i'll probably just cry in the corner. :P
So.. what year we are in again? oh yeah right. 2012. and why do i have this feelings that, 2013 is just around the corner? Time and me. we've got really big issues here. i can never stop complaining about time. for example, how can it be so fast? there's no really an answer to this. it will forever remain as an issue to me. sigh. what the hell man. once more, our final is just 1 week away. and after that, we'll have our holidays for 3 weeks. and then for the first time, will start our industrial training on 9 July.. yes, this is really new to me. its not that i've never worked before. its just that,i've never worked in office where you have to work like the real adults. omg. i really think this is not a good idea. cause being me, i know novelty has never been easy for me. i will end up crying first, and then i'll get used to it. that's how it works. lol.
and finally i can proudly say that i am free from all those shitty assignments. especially the biggest frustrating assignments, our Cultural in tourism subject, 'The Glimpse of Arabia' event. everything happened for a reason. as much as we dislike our lecturer or whatsoever, in the end, it was for our own good. Thank you Miss. We never hate you actually. As a student, we just hate to face challenges and obstacles. we've been bad mouthing you so much. although u will never going to read this, but i would like to say sorry from the bottom of my heart as well for all our childish act. :D Thank you for giving me a chance to be in charge of handling some work. although the work sounds cheesy, but it's actually need some effort. really. i never thought that providing a transport could be hell of tiring. geez.. once again, thank you to kee2 for helping me everything trough out all this. it means a lot to me. without u, i'll probably just cry in the corner. :P

Epic fail. yes i know. lol. im still wanting my hair to grow long. T_T
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