Omgsh..Thank God your back, bloggie..thought i'd never see you again. you're the only place that would hear all my rants and stuff.
heee.. any any anyway i would like to announce that i , Madona James BB10110310, have finally completed my finals for this semester!!! hahahahahahahahahhaha... once again, im a free bird!! wohooo!!! Oh dear.. it feels like it was only yesterday i've been saying those same thing. Time, time, you sure are faster than the bullet train!
i was really struggling for this last subject since it's the only opportunity that i could at least score B+. So i've actually read the whole book without me even knowing, until i've realised deja vu. lol. Surprisingly, the paper was quite easy for me. really an awkward thing to say
! but It really pays off everything after forcing myself to memorise those nonsense theories. so yea, im quite confident for this subject! Hopefully there's a slight changes in my result this time.
Then Paul, Fel, Zul, Lala and I went to 1b as for this so called 'freedom from stress' celebration. hahah.While Paul and Lala are with their decent behavior, Fel, Zul and I were the crazy ones instead. We were laughing our ass off the whole time with our lame jokes. lol. Paul and Fel are going back tomorrow. gonna miss them for 4 months..bon voyage dear paul and fel! have a safe journey alright! Too bad didnt bring my s.e phone.. otherwise i could have snap lots of pictures and upload it here. sigh.
4 months is quite loooong. so im gonna start working soon. but im currently still searching for vacancies. This time, im going for a small bakery shop! i had enough of working at big places like supermarket. B4 doing so, im gonna need a short time out. heee. I shall enjoy relaxing now. .

i was really struggling for this last subject since it's the only opportunity that i could at least score B+. So i've actually read the whole book without me even knowing, until i've realised deja vu. lol. Surprisingly, the paper was quite easy for me. really an awkward thing to say

Then Paul, Fel, Zul, Lala and I went to 1b as for this so called 'freedom from stress' celebration. hahah.While Paul and Lala are with their decent behavior, Fel, Zul and I were the crazy ones instead. We were laughing our ass off the whole time with our lame jokes. lol. Paul and Fel are going back tomorrow. gonna miss them for 4 months..bon voyage dear paul and fel! have a safe journey alright! Too bad didnt bring my s.e phone.. otherwise i could have snap lots of pictures and upload it here. sigh.
4 months is quite loooong. so im gonna start working soon. but im currently still searching for vacancies. This time, im going for a small bakery shop! i had enough of working at big places like supermarket. B4 doing so, im gonna need a short time out. heee. I shall enjoy relaxing now. .

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