First and foremost, i would like to wish all mom and especially my mom a HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY~~!! Woke up at 6am sharp today ( well, actually 6.10am..heheheh.) and gave mom the present that we bought yesterday. :D im really glad that she liked the perfume. Basically, all we did today was just prepare breakfast for her, and most importantly, keep her favorite kitchen in spick and span. Usually, if she sees any unwashed dishes on the sink, glasses with yesterday's coffee in it ( believe it or not, u can even see a dead fly floating which is really nasty), she'll nag like crazyyyy. and i wouldn't want to upset her especially on mother's day. So it's my job to make sure the kitchen is spotless.
and when she went upstairs this morning, im really pleased to see her smile plastered on her face. :D Pheww.what a big relieve. although, im kinda jealous of people uploaded their mother's day CAKE on facebook. we weren't able to buy or even bake cake for mum..T_T sigh. If only, i have talent in baking. i would do something like this for her.
One of these day i will. you'll see~ and i wouldnt have to steal pictures from any websites showing off theirs. cause im going to snap my very own handmade cake. :P Also, i've tried doing this so called zero failure cake recipe this morning. thought i could give a surprise for mom.. buuuuut i kinda screwed up a bit and it didnt turn out good. haiyaaaa.. i might be trying my 2nd attempt tomorrow. Too bad dad isnt here with us today to celebrate cause he's busy with his current job now.
*click fb tab* WHY DOES EVERYONE HAVE TO UPLOAD THEIR MOTHER'S DAY CAKE IN FB??? hmmppphhhh!!... Anyway, as i've said, im going to make it super blast for mum next year..:S Oh, and wanna know something that can make u go 'WOW' ? I've been watching soft copy movies since 12noon until 9pm like CONTINUOUSLY ..hahahahah.. i have 1 more paper this thursday. Not a big deal for me cause i'll be using rifle to answer. heheheh. Well.....i shall end my post here, havent take my shower yet. nasty me! XD
I love you, mummy with all my heart. <3
and when she went upstairs this morning, im really pleased to see her smile plastered on her face. :D Pheww.what a big relieve. although, im kinda jealous of people uploaded their mother's day CAKE on facebook. we weren't able to buy or even bake cake for mum..T_T sigh. If only, i have talent in baking. i would do something like this for her.

*click fb tab* WHY DOES EVERYONE HAVE TO UPLOAD THEIR MOTHER'S DAY CAKE IN FB??? hmmppphhhh!!... Anyway, as i've said, im going to make it super blast for mum next year..:S Oh, and wanna know something that can make u go 'WOW' ? I've been watching soft copy movies since 12noon until 9pm like CONTINUOUSLY ..hahahahah.. i have 1 more paper this thursday. Not a big deal for me cause i'll be using rifle to answer. heheheh. Well.....i shall end my post here, havent take my shower yet. nasty me! XD

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