We all know that people tend to get jealous when they consider them self not as perfect as the others. But then again, just like that old cliche says 'nobody is perfect'.............right? But how come she has it and i dont? :( long hair, an hour glass body, darling voice, smart and she's damn gorgeous.. oh come on! what can possibly makes her imperfect huh? She almost has everything she needs! sigh. I know, i know...being jealous is not good. Especially when your comparing about your physical beauty. But be realistic, being perfect is like every girls dream. Omgsh..i feel like im having 2 sides of me talking. the bad sides and the good sides.lols. Dear hair, if only u could understand what im saying now, please grow longer... Okay..i reaaallly should stop now..=x
P/s: i know this pic has nothing to do with my post today. But i made this to his phone~wakaakakkak.. I love him so much. <3
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