ooooh maaaah i go again, been neglecting my poor bloggie for so long.. it must have been so lonely without me. well yea, i've been so busy working! mostly, i've been working for full time shift from 8am till 10pm. didnt get to enjoy my 3 months break. really, really damn tiring but im willing to do it for $$$$. hehehehe.. i dont know how and when, but im currently addicted to cosway's products. -_- and it's bad, cause it makes me feel so materialistic.
good gracious. i really dont understand how can the 3 months break ended so fast. my new sem will officially start on 13th of sept. be honest, i've really lost interest in my study. *gasp* OMG. i did not just say that. too bad i did. but really, my brain is rotting away. let's just hope its not for permanent. lalalalala.. okay, will update more soon! gotta watch mars! zai zai wo de airen!!
good gracious. i really dont understand how can the 3 months break ended so fast. my new sem will officially start on 13th of sept. be honest, i've really lost interest in my study. *gasp* OMG. i did not just say that. too bad i did. but really, my brain is rotting away. let's just hope its not for permanent. lalalalala.. okay, will update more soon! gotta watch mars! zai zai wo de airen!!

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