So. this is it. the last day of 2011. hmm.. still not that excited. as i was saying i still have to sit for the stupid finals. ugh. So overall. how was my 2011 life? Well, to start off, blablablabla .. blablabla .. blablablabla.. blababla..ghtupospfkk;%%%%. &^^^^hghghbabqqqeeee):):): Also, i blablablahsgtuuwqqqq%%^^^8akk. oh sorry. what i meant to say was every year is just the same for me. ups and down, ups and down. nothing new. well isnt that too cliche for everyone? unless if i suddenly gain some magical powers, met a real live peter pan and bring me to neverland. and yes. that might be something that i can say wicked cool!
As i have promised, i would like to list down my new year resolutions :
Long hair. and i vowed to never ever try to cut my hair again.
No last minute work ( I bet my whole life this can never happen. lol )
And still wanting my hair to be dyed to dark violet
Pay attention in lecture.
Avoiding that someone. he's the bad guy. not me. and.
last but not least, i want everyone to be happy. especially you! dont show your stupid sulky face in front of me anymore!
anyway just 10 minutes ago, Oat came and brought me a chirstmas and my belated Birthday gifts. Thats where i decided to do a post now. lol. daaawwwwww.... you shouldn't have bought me 2 gifts. Thank you so much oat. I super super super loveeee it!!! Too bad you couldnt stay a lil longer.. need to have some girls talk like we used to.. oh well, there's plenty of time! especially after my finals, okay! I love you!

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