We laughed our ass off at every lame jokes, You smiled, i Smiled, If days are tangible , i would keep the happy days and throws away the painful day, When I came home, i would think back all the fun things we had, I feel like we're family now, Yes, i know there's no one can ever replace you, I wouldnt have to feel lonely anymore, We would hold our hands and march towards the sunset together,
But as time goes by, i knew this wouldnt last long, Everyone went to their own path, Starting to have their own Stories that wouldnt involve us anymore, As time goes by, i would think back again all those memorable days, How i wish things would stay the same, The feeling of loved is no longer there anymore, Sometimes i feel i dont have anyone, Every night, i would cry myself to sleep for no reason, How i wish i was there again, with you,
Now things have changed a lot, You've changed a lot, i've changed a lot, We're growing older, I would laughed the lame jokes myself, I would walk my self alone now.. Because old days wont come back, and then i met you.. So the story begins.. And will ends up with pain once more..
I dont know how long will this going to be. a month? a year? forever? well let me tell you this. I DONT FUCKING CARE ANYMORE. u heard me? ugh.. it really annoys me to see u everywhere. OH GOD I NEED TO REPENT.. GAAAH!
aww.. I felt happy today! Went out with kee2 and the rest of my friends to find some Arabian food restaurant. I know right, Arabian food? its really rare here in Sabah. But for the sake of our assignment, we're willing to work the hell out.
So first, we went to this restaurant at alam mesra, 10am cafe. Siva, the owner of the restaurant is so cool. For a second, i thought he was going to give us some boring lectures like what most bosses do before starting the main point. zzz. but he turns out to be funny. And I ABSOLUTELY LIKE HIM FOR DISAGREEING our lecturer's idea. hahahhaha.. he even said that she's like in lala land. damn. i should have recorded that. XD i mean, there's no way we could get a camel here. such an ugly shit ideas. :D awww.... and he's so nice for giving us a free food and drinks, although we didn't ask for it. >.< such a really really nice fella. :D So freaking full after the meal. >O<
And then we went to Inanam, surveying another restaurant. which is one of our friend's idea. Good job bitch. cause it's not really an Arabian food. and yet u convinced us, it is. blerghhh... And next, we went to grace point! middle east restaurant. the real arabian restaurant so far. Good job, yen sin. :D even you're not from Sabah, but you suggested the right place. XD i should be ashamed....~D: again, we ordered a few sets to have a taste on the food. and the food didnt really taste nice except for the kebab and that sort of crunchy bread look. And again, we get free desserts~ heheh.
such an enjoyable day today. and have i mentioned about cynthia b4?she's such a reckless driver but that girl ROCK! LOL.
p/s: kee2 so jahat for deleting the pics.. ngeeee.. :P
you dont have to put your ugly shit words in your FB status like EVERYDAY okay?? We get it. But i've got to warn you as well, if i have reached my limits, my body temperature will rise, and when my body temperature rise, i will lose control, and when i lose control, i will get mad, and when i get mad, you will say your last wish.
Good thing my dear kee2 really calm me down. cause if she didnt, i would have punched ur ugly face to make it even uglier. Thank you for the tea, kee2.. :) i Love you, and thanx for helping me to release all my shits emotions. I love you.. <3
So, it's been 3 days including today. So you really want it to be this way huh? This is the most heart aching thing that i ever had. It's really a small thing, yet u exaggerate it to the whole world. fine. i really cant take this. in case you havent notice, everyone makes mistakes. When i say everyone, that includes you. Cause if you didnt, 'sorry' will not exist in our dictionary. yes? ever since humans were born, we're all sinful. Have you ever ask for someone's forgiveness? well. Nvm, All i can do is to pray. Pray that so you'll just have to forgive us someday. Even if it takes forever. again, im sorry. although sorry is really useless for now.Maybe you'll satisfied if i just die and go to hell. im willing to die anytime, anywhere. cause i really wish to end my life soon. I wish God will take my life soon. If possible, today, now.
Some people are just sooooooooo OVERLY A DRAMA QUEEN. Yes, its our fault for putting u to shame. but u dont have to be THAT mad. i dont know what to do anymore. we did our best to persuade u. u r much worse than a girl. seriously. serious man. serious shit. if that's how you want it to be, then fine. Have it your way. After this, i wont bother to be so much friendly to u nemore. You ask for it.
Like seriously, we went all the way to the post office.. we queued up in such a long line. and what do we get? 'Sorry i still need your IC'. Okay, fugly bitch, the next time i see u, i will fucking show u my fucking IC. okay? If that's make u happy. you Fucking suck. :D p/s: sorry for the troubles, karen. :( Kee kee, pls dont get mad with this post okay? heheheh..
im currently taking Mandarin level 3. Yeay~ Im quite proud of myself that i can now at least understand simple Mandarin words. Also able to scold people in Mandarin. hahah. So our current teacher is Mr. Stephen Yong. He can be our Grandfather. Although he's old, but he's still active! like when he teaches us, he is still able to do some actions while teaching. But he has this funny thing where he will keep asking the same thing over and over again for every week. for example : ' you're from Sarawak, right?' , 'You're madona right?', 'aren't you from section 10?'. HAHAH.. and there's this one particular name that he keeps pronounce it wrongly which is 'Baxter'. Sometimes Boxter, Pekster, Tekster .. LOL.. omg.. so funny.. This is the funniest class i've been so far. lol lol. Besides that, He also keeps repeating his same stories like only God knows how many times. LooooooooL.. I was extremely sleepy that time but the teacher keeps me awake with his funny attitude.
Anyway. As time passed by, i've met so many person. Only few people are the right ones to be friend with. while the rest are all 2-faced people. But i know God loves me. Finding the true friend is hard. Again, He sent me another Angel. I am so grateful to have another one. :) Dear God, Thank you for your presents. <3
God is really playing trick on me. I've been in this situation long time ago. It disappeared after that. But I dont know what to do anymore. It came back, dude. its just so confusing. I hope it's not a sin this time. There's always something weird thing going on with me either good or bad. Sometimes i hope i can be like the early birds chirping happily every morning as if nothing will ever going to ruin their life.But again, im just a human. No body is perfect. yes, i must stick to this. i keep reminding myself, that is not possible. :D You are going to be juuuuust fine. Do u hear me Madona? But just in case i couldnt wake up the next morning and onwards, i am proudly to say i am officially free from you.
Please grow faster.. seeing girls with their really long hair makes me so jealous! But thanks to you tube people, i've learned a lot of helpful tips from their video. Im currently taking an extra care of my hair. I've stopped blow drying my hair excessively. only dries it like 40% and would still leave my hair wet especially at the ends. Also, wash my hair less often. I really cant leave my hair unwashed even for a day. But for the sake of my hair, im willing to do so. Massaging scalp and drinking lots of water are also some tips i've learned.
I've been doing those things until now, and im not sure whether there's a progress or not. oh well, i guess i just have to be patient. Yes. Be patient Madona. Good things will come to those who wait. Soon, u'll be Rapunzel! .____.