Well hello there.. Its been like ages since my last post here.. Its already the month of November.. Everything happened so fast. Even faster than a bullet train (I have never been on a bullet train. But that's what most people would say right. lol )
Well 2014.. you have given me such big impact this year. I rather not let it out here. because, what's passed is passed. Let's move on & continue to live life to the fullest. Gosh.. im so bad at blogging now. But then again, nowadays people dont blog anymore. They would 'VLOG'. But i would still prefer blog though. its more... you know..traditional. I like to keep things traditional.
So yeah.. I am still me. Madona James Sham. I still dont like eating vege, Im random, hating monday as always, a purple freak, shy at first but can be the craziest person alive once you get to know me, and most of all, wanting a long hair since long long time ago and i still have not achieve it yet. But i vowed... I will have my hair long by next year! I graduated high school, form 6, UMS & now im working in a small travel agent company. Im proud of myself. Not to brag but, after all those hardships i've been through, i still manage to find my way back on the track. Of course i couldnt do it without my families and my beloved friends who have helped me along the way.
November. We are reaching the end of the year. Cant wait for Christmas and New year. I would like to restart a new life with the person im currently with now. :)) <3>
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