Well hello there.. Its been like ages since my last post here.. Its already the month of November.. Everything happened so fast. Even faster than a bullet train (I have never been on a bullet train. But that's what most people would say right. lol )
Well 2014.. you have given me such big impact this year. I rather not let it out here. because, what's passed is passed. Let's move on & continue to live life to the fullest. Gosh.. im so bad at blogging now. But then again, nowadays people dont blog anymore. They would 'VLOG'. But i would still prefer blog though. its more... you know..traditional. I like to keep things traditional.
So yeah.. I am still me. Madona James Sham. I still dont like eating vege, Im random, hating monday as always, a purple freak, shy at first but can be the craziest person alive once you get to know me, and most of all, wanting a long hair since long long time ago and i still have not achieve it yet. But i vowed... I will have my hair long by next year! I graduated high school, form 6, UMS & now im working in a small travel agent company. Im proud of myself. Not to brag but, after all those hardships i've been through, i still manage to find my way back on the track. Of course i couldnt do it without my families and my beloved friends who have helped me along the way.
November. We are reaching the end of the year. Cant wait for Christmas and New year. I would like to restart a new life with the person im currently with now. :)) <3>
♥ It all started When i was born ♥
Sunday, November 9, 2014
Saturday, January 18, 2014
I've conquered mother nature
That's right people. I did! I've climbed Mount Kinabalu, i've dive in the deepest ocean, i swam with the dolphin, i've jungle trekked alone and most of all, everything i said was a lie. BUT. at least i did WATER RAFTING, yesterday! And it was SUPER FUN I TELL YOU! I was actually reluctant to do so, because i cant swim for Goodness sake and although they ranked Kiulu river as Grade 1 / 2, but as a beginner like me i'll go like 'FUCK IM GOING TO BE LIKE INDIANA JONES!' But when i actually tried it, it's not that bad after all and im still alive! Although there's that one time when the stupid rafter purposely left me alone floating on the river and refuse to pull me back to the boat. I was even scared when a bunch of mischievous boys shouted 'OI! ADA BUAYA TU SANA'! At that moment, i could only imagine that the crocodile would eat me alive. My face remained calm. But in my heart i keep on thinking ' fuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuck crocodile is going to eat me alive and im too young to die and i still havent meet Eric in person yet fuckfuckfuckfuck'. Minus that, IT WAS UBER FUN!FUN FUN! That's definitely not going to be my last time.
Wednesday, January 15, 2014
First Post of the Year
I once , had my so called resolutions. But now, When people ask me 'what's your new year's resolutions? Then i'll go, ' Bitch please , resolution is for pussies'. Nah.. just kidding, i wouldn't say those mean thing. I mean.. come on... let's get real. Have anyone of you actually achieved your resolutions? I know i wont. for example, i vowed to never ever cut my hair short again and will let it long like Rapunzel. Well, Rapunzel my ass. My hair is short as fuck now. Its as if everything i say, things would rather go the other way round. Unfortunately, when i say ' I wanted to be Fat' , it didnt go the other way round. pft.
So. I've been working in my practical company for 7 months now. Everything seems normal in my working life. Im being taught in paper works, making DIY frames for only God knows how hard it is (Believe me, It took us almost 3 months and just had to sacrifice our Saturdays to do them) , im getting good in lying in a good way to avoid mishaps hohohohoho, having a boss that claims to receive Menna, handling operations & reservations and etc etc.. WAIT A MINUTE. PAUSE RIGHT THERE. Having a boss that claims to receive 'Menna' is totally not normal at all. First of all, I have no idea what Menna is in the first place. After googling, i discovered that it is some kind of a gift that comes from God...... Yeah .... Im not saying that i don't have faith in miracle. But the way she acts and all that, is totally .. i dont know how to explain ... Lets leave that aside. But whatever happens, I will always love & believe God and Believe in Catholics.
Time flies. Yeah. Cliche. You know what else is cliche? Marriage. Seems like ALMOST all of my friends is either getting married or engaged. Kinda Jealous. hurr.. And I would like to say Congratulation to My dearest crazy friend, Michelle Yap. Finally, your turn has arrived. You dont know how happy i am for you. Funny that yesterday, you and i just met. And now you're getting married. Cant Wait for the wedding bells. Weee~
Sunday, December 22, 2013
Broke on Christmas
Wanted to go out for Christmas Shopping so so bad. Too bad Im broke. Sigh. Sorry to whom it may concern. Dont have the mood if pocket's empty. ~_~
Saturday, November 30, 2013
A Lame Poem dedicated to you
Although its only been 5 months, but i feel like i've known you like forever, (Malar ni. haha)
Im glad we came in the same timing in that nightmare. (if you know what i mean. LOL).
I've never expect that we could be in the same page,
Always laughs our ass off to our lame jokes,
The girl who always sticks to her trademarks 'Oh, Baiklah'..
The girl who is secretly a Pop singer with a great voice,
The girl who likes to say 'whyyyy~~~~~~~~~' in a weird melody way, (LoL, I do notice that ok)
The girl who looks like Angelina Jolie in a first glance,
The girl who can never live without Hot Coffee,
The girl who knows how to kick bad guys' ass,
This girl is also turning a year older today,
So Happy Birthday to you Jen~~~
Never underestimate yourself, because you have no idea what you are capable of,
Dont let a day ruin your whole life,
besides, 'its a bad day, not a bad life'
there is always tomorrow to improve yourself,
So i hope this lame poem could brighten your special day,
Im glad we came in the same timing in that nightmare. (if you know what i mean. LOL).
I've never expect that we could be in the same page,
Always laughs our ass off to our lame jokes,
The girl who always sticks to her trademarks 'Oh, Baiklah'..
The girl who is secretly a Pop singer with a great voice,
The girl who likes to say 'whyyyy~~~~~~~~~' in a weird melody way, (LoL, I do notice that ok)
The girl who looks like Angelina Jolie in a first glance,
The girl who can never live without Hot Coffee,
The girl who knows how to kick bad guys' ass,
This girl is also turning a year older today,
So Happy Birthday to you Jen~~~
Never underestimate yourself, because you have no idea what you are capable of,
Dont let a day ruin your whole life,
besides, 'its a bad day, not a bad life'
there is always tomorrow to improve yourself,
So i hope this lame poem could brighten your special day,
Whenever im ready..
Finally after 3 years of struggling in Uni, I have finally graduated. Words couldn't describe my feelings. One of the happiest day of my life. Being in that robe, mortar board, get to be in front of the stage is such a big honor for me. Its like being a Cinderella where you won't get to feel that moment for long. Ok, so i do know how to describe my feelings. *Sigh* Well, its totally over now. Im so going to miss student life. Despite that, I am proud of myself. Im not being boastful, but hey.. Going through 3 years of hardships in Uni is not easy ok. So what do you know.. Tomorrow, we will finally come to the last month of the year. Oh time.... -_-

Monday, November 18, 2013
First one
Butterflies in my stomach, heart beats so fast it hurts.
I was so happy to see you again.. you waved at me..
I didnt realise how much i missed you so bad until i met you yesterday.
The gaps between us really hurts.
But whats hurts me the most is that you're no longer the same person i used to know.
You leave me dumbfounded when i saw that particular action yesterday.
suddenly i feel all guilty,
it was my fault in the very beginning,
Despite all that, you were leaving and never coming back,
Thank you for giving me such wonderful memories,
You're always be my first one.
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