Saturday, September 25, 2010
Friday, September 24, 2010
Monday, September 20, 2010
Sunday, September 19, 2010
Saturday, September 18, 2010
Received mee kolok sarawak today..XD
Thank you Flora dear..:D i simply love it!
p/s: Beware! Women with Big boobies. That thing may gives u pleasures. but its sorta have like some vibration and shakes your you-know-what . Perverts may just stand still and watch your you-know-what. zzz
Friday, September 17, 2010
The hell do u care?:D
It all started after i ate my breakfast this morning. fried rice. my tummy was not being friendly and its not welcoming the food. no, mum.your fried rice was nice..its just that i havent shat(past tense for such words.lols.) for almost a week now. Thank God, 'vicks vapour rub' seems helpful and i manage to shit. lolss...i shouldn't have told u about this right?:P
Aww..went to see my mail box today but my parcel hasn't arrived yet or hasn't been delivered. or soooo eager...!! oh least i'll get to eat the real mee kolok freshly made from Sarawak tomorrow..XD no silly, im not going there. One of my course mate Flora, is coming back to UMS campus tomorrow and promised me for it. :D
suddenly, i feel hungry again..*drools*
is this how exactly mee kolok looks like? i just stole this from someone else's blog.XD
dont u just love the afternoon scenery?:D
awww...what are you doing there baby?:D he was like "meooowwwwww,meeeoooowwww" with his piercing voice..asking for food..lols.
Aww..went to see my mail box today but my parcel hasn't arrived yet or hasn't been delivered. or soooo eager...!! oh least i'll get to eat the real mee kolok freshly made from Sarawak tomorrow..XD no silly, im not going there. One of my course mate Flora, is coming back to UMS campus tomorrow and promised me for it. :D
is this how exactly mee kolok looks like? i just stole this from someone else's blog.XD

Thursday, September 16, 2010
Its now or never
Day 11, Thursday (second week) Assignment's progress :5%
yea.finally, 5%. isn't that impressing? *smirks* After 10 days wasted, finally did some of my oh so called professional speech assignment with lots of unnecessary tabs (fb,you tube,etc):p Thanks to this, a useful website for my shitty task.:D
then i decided to take a "short break" which happens to be 1 hour 30 minutes (not considered as short break nemore.lols), watching a movie called 'turbulent skies'. i was randomly switching channels and the title caught my attention(hmm..not first i was like, "turbulent skies? wtf is this?"). it was basically about a machine called CD-70(or was it CT 70?C.......F 70? i forgot..-.-..) that automatically drives an aeroplane without pilots.plain stewpid idea.@_@ unfortunately, it was attacked by some kind of computer viruses and it went insane. its kinda nice movie, i say.but one of the actors which happens to be the starring in the movie sux. i mean, how can he act sooo cool or emotionless when his wife was actually in a great danger in that plane? it. and u'll have second thoughts for an air trip.XD
Previously,i went breakfast with my parents in city mall and bought 3 pairs of clothes. soon, i'll be awarded for the frequent visitors of the AMOS SHOP(yea..bought most of my cute dresses from there):D.lols..the fact that im such a "can i try these on?" before purchasing, person, it took me like almost 30 minutes and kept my dad waiting in a car.poor daddy..he was not feeling well and yet, i was enjoying shopping :/ sorry dad..
Monday, September 13, 2010
stay still
Day 8, Monday (second week) Assignment's progress : 0%
So today, i woke up and told myself 'Madona James Sham, today, you are going to start doing your assignments! HALF, AT LEAST.' But the fact that im such a procrastinator is making me hard to do so. I've been playing online games the whole day, instead of doing that tonnes of tonnes of that shitty assignments. LOLS. I REALLY NEED TO GET THIS OVER WITH. I NEED TO WORK IT OUT. SHITFUCKUSOMUCH!! AHHH!! MY BRAIN IS ACHING!
Saturday, September 11, 2010
i was bored..:-*
And saw this in nonot's page. Im kinda attracted to it so i decided to put this on my page as well.UGH..;)
Tell me how I'm supposed to breathe with no MUHAUZ
Speaking of which, i had a blast with my sweet girlfriends yesterday at huni's. THANK YOU FOR THE WONDERFUL FOOD MY HONEY BUNNY LOVE..:D and wth. sorry that we've destroyed your bed...Moral of the story, threesome is a bad idea after all..LOLS. It's been quite ages since i last had my guffaw. Ive never been so alive after having my great time with my ♥♥♥ muhauz.***
unfortunately, NAD and PONG weren't able to see each. Nad came a lil bit too late while pong got to go home early.Zz..
♥♥♥ CAMWHORING is in our genes ♥♥♥

Thursday, September 9, 2010
So the story goes like this

What a real sweat. Finally i manage to do my assignments today. oh yea, i did heaps of them. and guess what? assignment's progress: 99.99%
blergh.i am sooooo not good at lying am I? That was an utter lie..=.= Again... another day, another time wasted.but hey, my shopping list wasn't done yet okay.:P but it is now! i swear. this will be the LAST day that i'll ever get to see my $ with a pair of wings on it..T_T omgsh..everything seems to be irresistible!
GAHHHHH...i really really really need to get my work too bout tomorrow? going to huni's open house. okay..okay.this saturday.right...ugghh..or maybe sunday?oh maybe! i'll start next week..or maybe never?LOLS..
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
If you could hear my whisper..^_^
Day 2, Tuesday. Assignment's progress: 0% (._.)
3 more things to shop and my "a MUST things to possess" list is done! I went shopping the whole day with my family today.It's been quite a while since i last had an outing with my parents..:/well, Not exactly the "whole day", half of my precious day is being wasted at Celle's. We have nothing much to do so, all we did was watching Eclipse (Not in the mood to exaggerate it since the plot is getting lamer than ever). But celle end up having her short slumber on a sofa. so i decided to go home early. I knew there's just something wrong with her..:/
And then, we went to Kampung Nelayan for a steamboat!! weee!! I really need to shit all those food that i ate today.zzz..
Bottom line, I HATE PURPLE. DOnt Belive me? WAtch this! :D

Sunday, September 5, 2010
It all started when we first met ♥
Yeay!! Finally, holidays are here!!:D Was supposed to update my blog yesterday, but i was too tired to do so. Felicia, Pauline (my Sarawakian fwens) and I went to Cp yesterday to buy some souvenirs before going back for their holidays. We have listed down our things that are needed.Apparently, I have the longest list among the three of us.lols.But in the end of the day, i only bought a purple nail polish, cause i realise that i need to give them priority instead of myself.:D i know, im such a good friend. wakakak..
Am i really a Sabahan? That really doubts me ever since i was born.-_- Most of my peninsular friend keeps on asking me places in Sabah. And i could only manage to answer "is it in Sabah?" O_O or " oh, MAYBE its in Tuaran" or the worse would be " I never heard anything about it"..oh gosh..zzz..i really need to google more on Sabah. Seriously yesterday, Pauline actually memorised most of the shops in cp although that's like only her 2nd time while I'VE BEEN THERE
LIKE FOREVER. it just me or im actually getting dark. *envy*
lols! testing nail polish on pauline's nail.XD
FEL! *turns around* and *SNAP* XD
aww.come one. there's no need to be shy of..XD
They actually bought me juices,apples and candies .aww..u guys shouldn't have to u know.-_- they keep on asking me what i want and what i like without noticing that they're actually going to buy it for me.lols..-_- they're so cute. Thanx u guys. muuaahxx!
♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
Previously, i went out with my munyit. He gave me an unexpected surprise.
He actually bought the purple furry to be covered on his dashboard and it cost him around 50 for it...:/ I scolded him but at the same time, it really touched my heart. sigh..Thank u munyit.. I Love u like a monkey loves its banana.wakakak..doesnt make sense i know. XD
what are you looking at? ada hutang ka?LOLS
Yeay!! Finally, holidays are here!!:D Was supposed to update my blog yesterday, but i was too tired to do so. Felicia, Pauline (my Sarawakian fwens) and I went to Cp yesterday to buy some souvenirs before going back for their holidays. We have listed down our things that are needed.Apparently, I have the longest list among the three of us.lols.But in the end of the day, i only bought a purple nail polish, cause i realise that i need to give them priority instead of myself.:D i know, im such a good friend. wakakak..
Am i really a Sabahan? That really doubts me ever since i was born.-_- Most of my peninsular friend keeps on asking me places in Sabah. And i could only manage to answer "is it in Sabah?" O_O or " oh, MAYBE its in Tuaran" or the worse would be " I never heard anything about it"..oh gosh..zzz..i really need to google more on Sabah. Seriously yesterday, Pauline actually memorised most of the shops in cp although that's like only her 2nd time while I'VE BEEN THERE
♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
Previously, i went out with my munyit. He gave me an unexpected surprise.
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